
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction – the full 8-week course!

This course is in high demand, as many universities, medical schools, churches, community centers, first-responders and counselors are asking for training.

MBSR is where it all started, and is still considered the gold standard.

The next course will be coming up in fall of 2024.

Contact Lisa for more details and to be put on the list for the next upcoming classes.


The MBSR program is an eight-week workshop taught by certified trainers that entails weekly group meetings, homework, and instruction in three formal techniques: mindfulness meditation, body scanning and simple yoga postures.

According to Kabat-Zinn, the basis of MBSR is mindfulness, which he defined as “moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness.”

Lisa has been studying mindfulness, meditation and MBSR for over 10 years, and is a Qualified MBSR Teacher.

For updates on current and upcoming classes, please visit our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/ibmindfulcommunity


Questions are always welcome 🙂